
As a teenager Isabel Stainow Wilcox spent time in Kenya (summers and school holidays) and fell under its spell. She went back later and during the last several years she has walked the African bush and desert, befriended the local people, discovered other countries of the African continent, studied African art, explored the art fairs, purchased African photography, got involved in medical missions and conservation projects; and much more. This blog is about the arts and the people of the African continent seen through the lenses of Isabel’s experience.  It is a holistic view with an emphasis on creativity and creative solutions to complex challenges in Africa.

Africa is a diverse world of histories, experiences, cultures, customs, artistic affinities and perspectives, and physical landscapes.  We tend in the West to see Africa in a reductive way and mostly through our own set of lenses. The USA has a particularly distant relationship with it; its main experience with Africa being its own complex and painful history with slavery.  The news that reaches our ears is usually negative if not simply horrific, again another restrictive view of an entire continent. This blog will bring hopefully a broader perspective and a more modulated picture with insights on the arts and culture that emanates or is inspired by the African continent, and various educational, and medical  projects.

2 Responses

  1. Pascale
    Pascale October 23, 2011 at 6:29 pm | | Reply

    I love your blog. Thank you for your insight and info.
    A follower.

  2. christine Schnerb
    christine Schnerb October 31, 2011 at 1:44 pm | | Reply

    Pour que tu m’envoies des nouvelles depuis ton site bien sûr!! (Bravo!)

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